Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"The Best Things In Life Are Free..."

...Or at least you don't pay for them with money.  I have not been blogging as I promised myself I would do more readily and more consistently.  Part of the problem was that I didn't really think I had anything to say.  As it turns out,  I probably had more to say than I thought.

    Whether you are devoutly religious or unabashedly atheist, I think that we can all agree that there are moments in life that we can characterize as nothing less than amazing.  I don't know how many of these moments you are allowed to have in your life, but I feel fortunate because I think I have had more than most.  I can count among my gifts;  three healthy children, employment and a network of friends and family that would say they love me if you asked.  Pretty damn good I would say.

    I have spent a lot of time this year lamenting about "my situation."  As I sit and have a really honest conversation with myself, I have concluded that the term "my situation" is a euphemism for not being where I want to be in my life.  This is an empowering tidbit.  It has allowed me to wrest control from the "they don't want me to..." camp and put it in the "I am am going to" camp.  This is not to suggest that there are not people who don't want to see someone do well but the best thing that you can do for them is to be exactly what they say you aren't.  It pisses them off lovely.

    I had a chance to spend some time with my family for the holidays.  It occurred to me that the very moment that I live for may be the moment of someone else's dread.  That made me sad and thankful at the same time. The reality is that there are people who you shouldn't spend time with.  They steal joy from your moments.  Some intentionally, some not but the result is the same.  So, I leave you with two thoughts:  Don't be so caught up in the bigness of life that you forget that it is made up of little moments and make sure that everyone on your team is playing for the win.  Claim it and get it done.
