Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Word on Mothers' Day

  Let me start with the typical and much deserved Happy Mothers' Day.  I am very fortunate in that every day is mothers day for me.  I have children that tell me they love me on a regular basis.  So on this Mothers' Day I have come to grips with a simple fact.  My children have become exactly what I have been raising them to be all these years;  independent, free thinking compassionate people.  So, the free thinkers made other plans.  It is perhaps one of those sad but happy moments when you realize that you've taught something so well that you are not needed to reinforce the lesson. 
    It is a good although sad space to be in.  I am one for three on children this year.   I spent my day with the little guy.  It was quiet and loving and it made me miss the raucousness of Mothers' Days gone by.  So, on this Mothers' Day let's pause to think of all the women who are spending their first holiday as moms, without their moms expecting to be moms and a special shout out to women who do mom things for other people's children. So, by now your food is settling and you are prepping for another week.  Pat yourself on the back if you have ever nurtured a person or an idea. 
    Thank you to all the people who have loved, supported and nurtured me.  I won't name you individually because I may miss someone.  Happy Mothers' Day.