Monday, May 3, 2010

Milestones, Moments and Mementos

    Originally penned but not posted on 4/17/10. So as I watched my son graduate yesterday, I was both in the moment and in another world.  I was struck by several thoughts.  My first thought was " 'WHERE DID I LEAVE THE DAMN CAMERA?' " then I realized I had one on my phone.  My second and more important thought was that my child has completed the portion of his journey that I am responsible for.  Wow!!!  
   As he embarks on a life of firsts, I worry.  Being on your own now is very different than it was for us fortysomethings.  Truth of the matter is, times are hard.  We went out to eat after the graduation ceremony and I was simply stunned at what a good job I did as a single mom.  I paused to wonder what would have been if he had two parents working together--but trust it was a brief and fleeting pause.

    I count myself fortunate that I can count the milestones, moments and mementos.  There are many who are not alive to do so.  I sometimes have to remind myself to not be so lost in the day to day that I forget the "remember when" or vice versa.  I finding my space in a lot ways around a lot of things.  Congrats to everyone who graduated from anything--especialy those who eft the old for the new.  Get it in--and get it done.

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