Monday, October 11, 2010

The Case For Forgiveness

       In the next few sentences I will talk about forgiveness.  I want to be clear that I am not talking about apologies.  Apologies are simply a plea for forgiveness or an acknowledgement that an action or reaction was hurtful to someone.  I am talking about the forgiveness that allows peace to overtake your soul, and release the anger in it. 

     I often wonder whether it is harder to get forgiveness than it is to give it.  The reality is that forgiveness--as I see it--benefits the giver more than the givee.   It has been my experience that there are people that don't much care whether you forgive them or not.  Really, truthfully, being honest why would they care?  If they didn't care enough not to hurt you why would they care about your forgiveness or lack thereof?

    I would suggest, that most people don't intend to be hurtful--the ones who do are hurt themselves.  Imagine living in so much pain that the only way you can get relief is to inflict pain on others.  Very sad when you think about it.  I am a firm believer in fighting with positivity.  Trust me when I tell you, it's a lot of work.

     I have forgiven many things and still have some work to do.  I'm sure that I will require forgiveness in this life before it is all said and done.  The world is littered with the carnage of people who are unable to forgive.  Don't believe me?  Try dating.  Nowhere is pain more evident than when  people attempt to open themselves to new people and the possibilities they represent or admit that they are the same old thing. 

    It makes me sad to hear the stories of people who haven't spoken to their siblings in ten years or children who haven't spoken to their parents in years.  Pain, rejection, hurt and anger are too heavy to carry around with you everywhere you go.  They are burdens we need to be from so that we can have the strength to carry hope, possibility, forgiveness and joy.  There are many choices to be made in life--some go well and others don't.

    The most important thing about forgiveness is to give it--even when the person you need to give it to is the one you look at in the mirror.  Open your heart, open your mind and get it done.

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