Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Wow, It's Loud In Here Too?!?!..."

    I was in a public library the other day.  I went during my lunch hour to get a little something done and to have a moment of peace and quiet.  So, pray tell, imagine my surprise when I entered the library and found that it was louder than my beloved spot where they married two pleasures of mine--coffee and books.  Un freaking real.  When did we become so loud?

    It has been bugging me as to how the Library changed, and more importantly, how did I miss it?  With the advent of technology like iPads, headphones and laptops we no longer feel the need to be concerned about what's happening around us or how loud we are because somehow we can be as loud as we want to be since it's self contained.  Well, if you wasted a minute believing that let me be the first to tell you that it's a crock of caca.  First of all, not everybody spends the money for Bose or Dr. Dre Beats.  I walked and heard a plethora of everything from Bach to Bitches.  Even the desk people were loud.  Clearly I was disappointed enough since I am blogging about it.

    So, for those of you who are reading and about to suggest that it must have been a random incident at a single library--I checked.  I visited the city libraries and found roughly the same thing at each.  I will give a shout out to the security officer at Countee Cullen branch who directed to a "less loud" portion of the library.  I have concluded that people value what I call "quiet pauses" less and less.  Maybe they don't look for them in public places.  Maybe that's why yoga is a billion dollar a year industry.  Shhhhh.

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