Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Doomsday Preppers

    I tell you, burning the wee-hours-of-the-morning-oil has some unique and previously hidden experiences.  For all I know this show comes on in prime time. Let me be honest, initially I thought "Great, some backwoods mofos with money playing survivalist."  Then several things occurred to me and I ended up here to tell you about them.  

    I fault no one for their choice of lifestyle.  There are many things that we do that other people look at with incredulity.  At first blush, I dismissed the whole concept--and for the most part I still do.  In many ways, the whole movement makes me sad.  As a parent, I will fiercely protect my children.  I mean like Taken style protect my kids.  I mean Ashley Judd Missing style protect my kids.  That being said, I'm not sure if training them to believe that some catastrophic event will befall them and then have them live in preparation for it, qualifies as protection.  How do they form solid bonds with others if they believe that the end is coming and everyone is the enemy?

    I also had to gut check myself and wonder what if they are absolutely right?  Then I thought about the hording behavior and the obsession and it occurred to me, that the ends don't really justify the means.  I love the capitalistic nature of enterprising individuals.  There is an entire market of stuff dedicated to these folks.  Bunkers, booby traps, guns, EM pulse protectors, MRE rations.  All kinds of shit.  It's actually amazing when you think about it.  What happens when you discover that you've spent all your money on an underground bunker and in order to survive you have to stay above ground?  

    The take away for me is that I don't think I am an "End Of Days" kinda girl.  I have no real interest in waiting out a nuclear winter or living post EM pulse--my phone and tech would be useless.  How would I blog?  If you have a year's worth of food in your garage then I hope you share when the time comes.  Get it done.

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