Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Just Don't Get It...

...But maybe I don't need to.  So, you put your 16 year-old in a boat in January so she can circumnavigate the globe.  Shouldn't she be getting ready for prom and hanging out in the mall with girlfriends, shopping for overpriced jeans that clearly her family can afford?  Why?  I am always amazed at what people can get away with.  Where are the limits? I truly believe thaat the more money you have the more shit you are able to get away with.

     So two "parents" decided that it would be a good idea for their 16 year old to get on a boat alone and sail the globe strictly for the purpose of saying that she did it?  In a lesser income bracket, leaving your 16 year old unattended from January 30 to June 10 would likely lead to charges.  The fact that you left her in a dangerous situation--that would be the adrift-in-the-Indian-Ocean part--would lead to jail time.

     I believe in challenging children.  I believe in encouraging them to be cutting edge and daring.  The thing is, that as a parent, I also put the brakes on when necessary.  I can't really think of a time more necessary than when your kid asks to skip school for a year to  sail around the world--alone. 

     Wealth allows for frivolity.  Frivolity allows for foolishness.  Foolishness never turns out well.  I'm glad Abby is alive and well but what would the authorities have done if she wasn't?  Would their money have been sufficient to insulate them from the fate of other parents who have shown poor judgement?  Do they even believe that this was not the best conceived idea?

     If you have children, hug them.  If you have blessings, count them.  I'm sure Abby's parent are doing just that--well I hope so anyway.  Get out there and get it done.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Yes, money has a way of making justice "double blind". I thought you had abandoned blogging. Happy to see your still in the game. :)
