Saturday, June 26, 2010

" 'Mommy, Your Eyes are Wet..' " what my 4 year old said to me at his "Moving Up Exercise" slash Graduation.  He asked me why I was sad.  I went on to explain to him that I wasn't sad at all.  As I stood there in the space-- that was too small, too hot and too crowded--something profound hit me.  It was one those  "AHA" moments.  Drumroll please.  I realized exactly how much richer and better I am for having the children that I have.  They are not perfect children, but they are perfectly full of individual personalities and they love me intensely.

     As they announced my youngest son's name, he shyly walked across the stage, until his female classmate yelled " 'Yaaaay' " and this somehow brought him an increased sense of confidence.  So after the yaaay he strutted.  Initially, I thought my eyes were wet from the fact that I was sweating and then I realized that I'd actually teared up.  I am so very fortunate.  I am two for three on high school grads.  As much as I forget, I live a blessed life.  All my children graduated from something this year.  I am graduating to one child in the home.

     All these things mean a lot to  me.  As a single mom, they are almost validation that staying the course--no matter how rough--is worth it.  My eldest children are adults and building their own lives.  My youngest is doing the same in many ways.  Over the next few weeks my life will be busy.  I will say an extra prayer as I send my only daughter 10 hours away to college.  I will say a prayer as my youngest will be home alone with no siblings.  I will say a prayer for peace in my heart as I will need to communicate with her dad more effectively to get through the next four years.

    So, as I thought about it in retrospect, I was sad--in a happy way.  If you have children you can understand the concept.  As my son persisted in his questions about my wet eyes, I realized in that moment that I have everything that I need to get through life.  Shout-out to the CLASS OF 2010, my graduates, and every other single parent who finds the day that much richer.  I gotta go, my eyes are wet.  

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