Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dreamers of the Day...

 “All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”

     So says T.E. Lawrence of Lawrence of Arabia fame.  I love this quote as I love many others. This one is special to me--mainly because it acknowledges that dreamers are people of import and it's okay to have one.  It also serves as a reminder for me that I should always keep my dreams in the forefront of my mind. For me, most of my dreams involve things that I would want to do or places that I wish to see.  I guess in short, it is sort of like a  Bucket List and "IF you could have dinner with any 5..." combined.   So in light of all this dreaming and wonderment of how my life would be different if I chose "a" not "b" or went left not right, the quote is appropriate. 

     So, it occurs to me that beyond world peace and the possibilities I dream for my children, I am not a global dreamer.  I mean I recycle and try to bring my own bags to the supermarket but I don't sit and ponder the next big world idea, cold fusion or how I can change the global village in some way.  I am not sure how I feel about this.  Does this make me faint of heart or small of mind?  I have always been comfortable with changing myself or helping  someone else in some small way so as to make my contribution to the Global Village.  I am not sure that this is enough anymore.  If it's not then what?   If it is why am I now thinking that it's not enough?  

     I am at a crossroads.  Yet another child will be leaving home for college.  While this is wild and exciting, it's a little sad and I am not sure what my youngest will make of it all.  But I digress.  Maybe it's just as good to support a dream as it is to dream one.  As my children age, I think more and more about the crazy dreamer things they did, like when my eldest took apart my mom's toaster to see how it worked.  Like how my daughter went to see The Wiz and said she wanted to have a good crew too.  Priceless.

    So, there are new days coming and new things to dream about and hope for.  I think I want to do little things in a big way and I can be ok with that.  All in all, maybe I am a little dangerous.  Dream and get it done.

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