Sunday, September 6, 2009

Random Realizations and Observations From A Day Out and About

So, from time to time I muse and ponder. Not necessarily about world changing events or ideas but just average everyday stuff. I am prone to do this from time to time--I will pause here to note that my ex believed that this was done just to piss him off but at times he found it endearing. See, I'm off to a totally random start. Please note these thoughts are in no particular order.

I qualify as a "supercommuter". According to AAA, I have earned this title because I travel more than 50 miles one way to get to work. I drive so I get alot of opportunities to observe behaviors. I understand multi-tasking but I am amazed at how much OTHER stuff people are doing in addition to driving. To the driving public:

  • Please avoid the left lane if you are unwilling to travel 10 miles above the speed limit.

  • If you own a BMW, Mercedes or Porsche it's OK to hit the pedal to the right of the brake. The engine will not fall out and the car Gods will not take it personally.

  • You should not be doing anything more difficult than switching radio stations while you are driving. Shaving and eating a four course meal defy the limits of good sense.

  • Please do not try that road rage ish with me cuz I'm not the one.

So, enough about driving. Let's shift gears. No pun intended, right hand high. One thing that I have come to realize is that the world--well at least Orange County--is populated by two groups of people: those who wish to connect and those who don't. For the most part, the two groups are like the Dani tribe--they take their victories one at a time. The Connectors will make eye contact and smile at children. The Leave Me Alones will never make eye contact, and will try to avoid the appearance that they are remotely interested in your presence. I am evil and twisted so I purposely try to use my Connector skills on Leave Me Alones every chance I get. Twisted I know.

I was in that bastion of evildoing--Wal-Mart. Parents are damn glad their kids are heading back to school and if the kids are savvy enough, they can name their price. My final observation is also Wal-Mart related. I overheard two Hasidic women speaking in english , which is itself rare, and they were discussing how unclean the store was, while their children were riding bikes down the aisles and stealing candy. Stones and glass people. Stones and glass.

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