Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Whole Maia Campbell Thing...

...Is beyond sad to me--on several different levels. I guess it is saddest because on any given day there are a thousand stories like this that go totally unnoticed. I haven't decided yet whether the happening is more sad than the unnoticing. After saying that I would not watch the video, I watched it anyway. Should have stuck to my guns.

I think that everybody battles whatever demons they have in regular ways every day. It is just part of the lifestruggle. For Maia and the tens of thousands like her, the demons become bigger than the tools, will or need to battle them. Clearly she has a lot of things going on. Now, being the progeny of someone famous is difficult on its own. Throw in rumors of drug addiction, mental illness and sexual proclivities and what you end up with is a lost child caught on video tape.

I am curious about where here support is. Where's dad? Where are her "In the House" co-stars? I'm not suggesting that they act like parents but clearly part of her issue is that she's alone in whatever is happening to her. She has the resources and the name to move past her crisis with some solid choices. For the rest of the people caught in throes of mental illness, prostitution, and drug usage there is no video that may lead to intervention.

No one is rushing to sign up to be their brother's keeper, but ask yourself: "Who would keep me, if I needed to be kept?"

Give it some thought and get it done.


  1. I didn't watch all of the video. It was too sad.

    Who's to say how one would behave under similar circumstances. We don't know her story. We don't know if her acting career came to an end after "In The House," I hear it's tough on a Black actress in Hollywood. Her mom DIED. We can't ASSUME Maia had money. She was unemployed, and a motherless child. She probably turned to drugs and men to ease her emotional pain.

    Hopefully, since SOMEONE knew where she was enough to go out and film her, someone will HELP her, and not just exploit her further.

  2. It was very sad. She talked about looking for her daughter. I'm sad for her. I'm even sadder for the people that never mattered enough tobe videotaped and won't have an intervention or people to realize that they need one.
