Thursday, September 3, 2009

Whoppers And Big Macs

Let me start off by saying that this in no way, shape or form has anything to do with hamburger. For many people the open of a new year and close of the old one is the only opportunity that many of us take for introspection. I can speculate, but that's not my point."Whoppers" are not the lies people tell us , but rather the ones we tell ourselves. Many times, we don't lie to ourselves intentionally. We just omit the facts. The omission, I am convinced, is not intentional but instinctive. There are some things that hurt so much, we don't want to see them. It may be a child's poor behavior, or the cheating ways of a partner or the fact that something that we think we can control, controls us. What ever the WHOPPER, the new year provides us with the opportunity to look and dig deep. I have done it and I'm doing it again because I feel that if I stop then I limit my potential.MACs are "Moments of Absolute Clarity". These are the times, events and people that force us to act. Whether we want to or not. These are the slap in the face moments, that move us to action. Like a new year where we decide that we can't live it the way we lived the old one. I have had more MACS than I would like to admit and some whoppers too.For the New year, I wish everyone the courage to cope as best you can, and to know when MACS and Whoppers are on your plate.

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